As 2026 elections approach, Sweden-based Imam, Sidi Ali Janneh has warned against voting for people who are manifestly corrupt.
“We should not choose the worst among contenders. Whoever we choose should be there to serve the people. We should not put in charge of our country people who are there for their own interests and those of their families. We should not select someone who is clearly corrupt and engaging in a course of action or behavior that’s harmful to the population.

Among the options, we should not choose someone whose goal is self-enrichment off the national resources that’s meant to be for everyone.”
While making reference to practices during the caliphate of Umar(AS), he noted the Muslim leader didn’t seek to benefit from his position to live like the super rich.
“Umar came after Abubakar(AS) and didn’t seek to live like the richest people nor like the poorest. He didn’t accept gifts without ethical provenances. Leaders should embody honesty and service to people. Leaders should not be focused on their one needs”.