There is no such thing as passive faith and Gunjur is better served by people commencing efforts to develop the community rather than thinking Allah will grant their wishes without any effort on their part, Sweden-based Imam Seedy Ali Janneh has declared.

Speaking on the Dialogue with the Youth Show hosted on Gunjuronline by Ebrima Janneh, he stated:
“Gunjurians think Allah is their slave. Allah says in Quran we should help Him to help us. We cannot fold our hands and expect Allah to help us. Islam doesn’t mean we should do nothing and expect Allah to do everything for us. If Allah gives you health and resources it’s your responsibility to put it to work. And he will hold us to account for what we did what the blessing he has bestowed upon us.
I go to Gunjur and I see a lot of young people sitting and drinking attaya (green tea). I sit down with them to know how they think and how they feel. They feel severely neglected. We need parks and recreational things for our communities. We need to develop our people and support them to do skills training”.
The strident Imam also decried the fact that priority is more often than not assigned to construction of mosques than development of Human Resources.
Added the Imam: “A proliferation of mosques never develops a country. We must develop our country and only then can we develop mosques. It’s only ever been people who develop mosques and not mosques developing people”.