Muminatou Barrow of Gunjur, daughter of Abdouilie and Mabinata Barrow of Gunjur has been awarded by Trust Bank (Gambia) Limited for her academic achievement in the last Gambia Basic Education Certificate Examination (GABECE).

Muminatou Barrow is among the top ten students who out-performed their peers across the country in the G.A.B.E.C.E category. The brilliant young scholars hailed from several upper basic schools in greater Banjul area.
Speaking at the award ceremony, Ebrima Sallah the Managing Director of Trust Bank emphasised that the purpose of the mega ward ceremony is to encourage quality education and celebrate the achievement of smart, hardworking and deserving students.
Presentation of Mary Basic Cycle school won the day with a sumptuous award of thirty thousand Dalasis for producing the most awardees. Each awardee received a cheque of D5,000, a Tablet, and a certificate of excellence.
The Minister of Basic and Secondary Education Claudiana Cole lauded Trust Bank for investing in such a noble cause and consistently doing it for so many years.

The Trust Bank Award event “ Excellence in the Millennium Award” honours the Top Ten Grade 9 students in The Gambia and has been in place for over a decade.