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Profile: New Milestone for Upward-bound Gunjur star

Writer's picture: Gunjur OnlineGunjur Online

Abubakr Jammeh has become the latest Gunjurian to bag a degree in Taiwan after four grueling years of studies. He has graduated with BSc in Business Administration on Friday, 8th June 2018 from the Kainan University in Taiwan.

Abubakr Jammeh graduates in Business Administrarion  It has not been a journey embarked upon roads paved with gold, but one that is trekked on the sweat and blood produced by sustained hard work and laser-sharp focus on goals. And from an early age, the above requirements for success have not been a challenge for Abubakr; whose passion for knowledge and constant thirst for self-improvement has taken him from the dusty class rooms of Arabic school in Gunjur to hallowed halls of banking in his native Gambia. Talking to him on the phone from Taiwan, he has this to say; “The biggest accomplishment for me is to be able to inspire young people especially those coming out from the Arabic schools with zero hope in achieving a decent education to better their lives. For the many Arabic students out there that are graduating with little hope of making it up to their dreams, I want to tell them, they can achieve anything if they put their minds and work harder towards their goals.”. “ I was not suppose to be here, this was not meant for me, I got here by going against all odds that our opportunities were limited to only becoming an unqualified Arabic teacher on a monthly earnings of D500”. “ I want to sincerely thank my family for their sacrifices and unflinching supports throughout this journey. To my friends and teachers, you all kept me going to get here. I thank and appreciate you all” Abubakar first started his education in Arabic school up to highest level possible at the time, after which he enrolled in English school and graduated with a high school diploma, which was no mean feat given his earlier educational background in Arabic. After high school, his sizzling ambition transformed into a flaring desire to earn further education, which culminated in enrollment at Jollof Tutors where he studied marketing. Abubakr would later go on to have a job with Trust Bank Ltd ,one of the biggest high street banks in the country where he soon worked his way into a senior marketing officer position. Under the tutelage and mentorship of Dodou Nyang, Abubakr soon became one of the top marketing officers for the bank making regular appearances on national radio and television while undertaking studies abroad. However, despite the promotions and perks of being a senior staff in a respected banking institution, Abubakar had his eyes squarely set on further studies to better prepare himself for the tasks and challenges that lay ahead. The visions of his mind and dreams would take him from the dusty class rooms of Gunjur Arabic School to the hallowed halls of education in taiwan and the United States. He would spend a year in the United States as an exchange student at Boise State University , after which he returned to conclude his studies in Taiwan. But before he left the school which had been his home for a year, Abubakr had to do what he does best: Through sheer dedication and excellence ,he won awards and was featured on local newspaper for his contributions to his university and new home in the United States. 

Gunjur News Online congratulates and wishes Abubacarr Jammeh all the very best of luck in his future endeavours.

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