By Ansumana B.Bojang
Comments by Mr. Abdou Njie, the chairman of 3 years Jotna movement is treasonous and incitement of violence.
I have observed with keen interest the display of freedom of speech and the formation groups by citizens to embark on personal and political objectives. It is important for me to point out that, in today’s democracy, citizens should be allowed to freely express their views on matters that boders on their social and economic development.
I must acknowledge President Barrow for respecting the constitution, by accommodating the views from opposition and other social groups.
On the substantive matter about the call by a group asking the president to step down after three years of staying in office, I will like to express the following views.
Firstly I want to state categorically that the call by Mr. Abdou Njie, is grossly unconstitutional and treasonable as it has no foundation in law. The CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE GAMBIA, 1997, which gives the right for citizens to form groups that keeps the government on it toes, also gave an elected president the right to stay in office for a term of five years.
I must say that, the constitution made it clear with no ambiguity, the tenure of office of the president. Article 63 (1)of the constitution states that, “The term of office of an elected President shall, subject to subsection (3) and (6), be for a term of five years; and the person elected President shall before assuming office take the prescribed oaths”.
I therefore call on all of us; sound and peace-loving citizens of Gambia to respect the document that binds all of us together as one nation.
The constitution is our lifeblood. It regulates every activity that we carry out in the country. The constitution is supreme. Article 4 of the constitution states that “This constitution is the supreme Law of The Gambia and any other law found to be inconsistent with any provision of this Constitution shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void”. This statement in the constitution is a call on all of us to ensure that we make decisions that are consistent with provisions in the constitution. Therefore, the call by Mr. Abdou Njie the Chairman of the so-called operation 3years Jotna Movement is unconstitutional, treasonable and must be disregarded, as it is inconsistent with the constitution of the Gambia.

Ansumana B. Bojang