Commwntary | Basidia M Drammeh
Through its spokesperson, the Government of the Gambia issued a statement in which it unequivocally distanced itself from allegations that it plans to relax homosexuality laws in the country.

The statement has laid to rest rumours and allegations that the Government is intent on compromising the stringent anti-gay laws in place to appease the European Union whose envoy triggered the current raging debate about the issue.
Prior to this statement, the Government has come under sharp criticism for being tight-lipped over its stance on LGBT rights in the country with the community and religious leaders voicing their opposition and condemnation of any attempt to legitimize homosexuality in a largely conservative country.
While we commend the Government for coming out to elucidate its stance over homosexuality, it’s important to remind the authorities that timely reaction to such burning issues is crucial to halting speculations and allaying public concerns...