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D200,000 Maternity Ward Expansion Project inaugurated in Gunjur

Updated: Sep 13, 2019

Gunjur News Online:

Gunjur Health Centre Maternity Ward has yet again benefited from a D200,000 expansion project orchestrated by the Gunjur Village Development Committee. The Maternity Expansion project proposal was developed by VDC and shared with other development partners in Gunjur for collaboration to implement the project according to the VDC Chairman, Tijani Bojang. 

Gunjur Health Centre Maternity Ward Expansion Project

Revealing the source of funding for the project, Chairman Bojang disclosed that GDF has raised D63,000 through clubs and individuals, whilst the Gunjur Fisheries Centre Management Committee contributed D100,000. Kombo Sillah Association (KSA) provided six (6) hospital beds and a flat screen television set for the maternity ward. Local radio station Janneh-Koto FM provided free air time to mobilise resources for the project implementation. A total amount of D204,000 was spent on the project which was inaugurated on Saturday 27th July. The inauguration ceremony was attended by the MP for Kombo South, Hon Kebba K Barrow, Alkalo Ba Giki Darboe, Chief of Kombo South, Regional Director of Health, Mr Sambou, councillor of elders and other dignitaries.

Newly expanded maternity ward at Gunjur Health Centre from five to ten beds capacity

Speaking to Gunjur News Online, VDC Chairman Tijani Bojang had this to say:  “Gunjur Health Centre is a minor health facility with a catchment of more than 50,000 inhabitants that covered Kartong, Sanyang, Siffoe, Berending, Nyofelleh and its surroundings.

The Health Centre has a small Labour Room that accommodates only four (4) patients at a time for delivery. VDC in consultation with the staffs at the Health Centre indicated that the expansion of Maternity Wing is a priority as they sometimes have 5 to 6 people delivery at a time where patient's privacy are compromised.  Based on this, VDC developed a project proposal for the expansion of Maternity Wing which was shared with all development Forums concerned with Gunjur."

The VDC chairman concluded by thanking everyone who made the project as success. His words:

"We would like to thank all the clubs in Gunjur who have contributed to this noble cause. Our sincere gratitude goes to Fisheries Centre Management Committee, KSA, Janneh Koto Radio and all those who have contributed in one way or the other.”

It could be recalled that Gunjur Health Centre also benefited from a D275,000 renovation works in through collaboration between Gunjur Development Association (GDA) and U.K. based Kombo Sillah Association (KSA). The completed renovation works at the maternity ward was handed over to the health facility on 10th February 2018. See story of the renovation works in 2018 below.

The VDC project took this further by expanding the maternity ward to a bigger capacity from five beds to a ten beds ward.The Gunjur Health Centre admits patients only on short term probation ranging from 6 to 36 hours before they are either released or referred to Brikama Major Health Centre for further treatment.


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