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Politics: America Decides

Nearly 100 million Americans already voted before November 3rd, the most since 1900 in what is considered the most crucial election in modern history. Americans go to the polls with the first Election Day votes cast in 2020 Presidential race in a small town of Dixville Notch, New Hampshire.

After many years of a tumultuous political war between Republicans and Democrats that has seen a US siting president impeached, the voters will have the chance to choose a leader that governs the free world for the next four years. This election will decide either President Donald Trump will be given a fresh mandate that has widely been characterized with racial tension and division or change course and give former Vice President Joseph R. Biden a chance to be the new face of the United State which he calls “Fighting For the Soul of the Nation”.

If the polls are anything to go by, Joe Biden has various paths to victory while President Trump is predicted to be sailing on a very narrow path to 270 Electoral College votes. Trump is facing a huge referendum on his presidency with what could result to making him a one-term president that has been clouded with economic crisis, global pandemic, and racial unrest across the country.

Tensions and emotions are high with expectations of protests to sweep across the states. Many stores are erecting reinforcements to protect their merchandises and some emptying gun shelves to avoid looting of dangerous weapons. Even the White House is not taken chances with security, the secret services has erected non-scalable barriers around the compound for any potential unrest.

In hours or what could become days, America will either renew Trump’s contract or make a history to elect the oldest president in Modern American history and have the first Black female as the Vice President of the most powerful country in the world.


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