Impressed with his leadership and accomplishments as Chairman of the development arm of the coastal town during the past four years, metrologist Tijani Bojang has been given the seal of approval to continue as Chairman of of the sprawling coastal settlement for a further term.

As per Local Government Act, village development committees must comprise of representatives of the ‘Kabilos’ who in turn must elect their Chairman and other officials of the committee.
Satisfied with his representation and leadership of the VDC, Tijani Bojang’s Kabilo did not hesitate to retain him as their representative in the VDC.
The VDC conducted their AGM on 12th November where financial and activity reports were presented to the community for scrutiny.
Earlier Sunday, 26th November, the Kabilo representatives to the VDC met and elected officials to lead the committee for the next four years with Tijani Bojang as chairman once again.
Noteworthy is that the new VDC has equal male/female ratio of representation.
Below is the composition of the newly constituted Gunjur VDC:
1. CHAIR - Tijani Bojang
2. VICE CHAIR - Munna Manneh
3. SECRETARY - Buba Lalla Janneh
4. ASS. SECRETARY - Sainabou Bojang
5. TREASURER - Ebrima K. Bojang
6. AUDITOR - Fabou Jammeh
7. ASS. TREASURER - Binta Jammeh
8. PRO - Sirreh K. Janneh
9. ASS. PRO - Aminata Jallow