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Gunjur native surprises patients with Breakfast at Gunjur health centre

Buba Kasong Barrow a native of Gunjur residing in the UK and chairman of the UK based Kombo Sillah Association (KSA), Wednesday provided breakfast for patients at the Gunjur health centre. 

Mr Barrow who is currently on holidays in The Gambia, made the goodwill gesture as part of his drive to give back to the community that game him so much in life.

This gesture is described by many as unprecedented, philanthropic and above all, leading by example on the side of Buba who has also led efforts in the past to get beds and medication, including diabetes testing machines for the health centre from the UK. He was assisted by Bunama Jatta a nurse and a resident of Gunjur. For the past few years, he has spearheaded efforts to equip the Health centre with medical items amongst others. Buba’s visit to the health centre came after Kombo Sillah Association (KSA) in partnership with Gunjur Development Association (GDA) renovated the health centre at an amount of D300,000.

It could be recalled that Kombo Sillah Association in collaboration with Gunjur Development Association recently renovated the Gunjur Health Centre at a tune of D300,000 following concerns raised by Bunama Jatta about the deplorable condition of the health centre. Bunama, who is a nurse took photographs of the bad state of the health facility and shared with Gunjurians and concerned people in a public forum.

This kicked into motion, one of the biggest fundraising activities carried out by Gunjur Development Association, by raising in excess of D200,000 for the project. Kombo Sillah Association which also pledged to help improve the maternity ward of the facility presented a cheque of D100,000 to the Health Centre for the renovation works of the maternity ward.

Buba Kasong Barrow assisted by Bunama Jatta to provide breakfast to patients

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